Communication gap and distance may be there this week. On the personal front, you may face some issues with your relationships. There are chances of an important meeting taking place. You are likely to have a hectic busy schedule. It is advisable to be at work on time this week and maintain that discipline. You may need to maintain your daily routine.

Stress may affect your health, therefore you may need to make necessary lifestyle changes. However, it is advisable to avoid any negligence, overconfidence, and laziness to avoid problems. Planets are likely to support you in making progress in your career. A meaningful conversation may be the only thing you are likely to have, to remove all conflicts. Some conflicting views about relationships may be there, which are likely to go away and you may succeed in rekindling the flame. Despite some expenses, you are likely to be able to save a lot this week. This may not be a good time to lend money to your siblings and friends as you may find it hard to recover. You may experience some uncertainty over important financial matters, however, that is also likely to go away as you may enjoy material pleasures to the fullest eventually. Eventually, you are likely to attain the position you deserve after some difficulties and delays. This week, you may get enough planetary support to strengthen your position in your career. You may need to act with the discipline to maintain good fitness levels. Students may succeed in improving their performance as the week is likely to remain positive for academics. Your creativity is also likely to increase this week. You may feel a rise in the level of intimacy with a deeper union with your beloved one. Planetary influences may help you march forward, however, it is advisable to not make a major commitment that directly or indirectly impacts your financial situation. Enhancement in wealth is likely to boost your financial strength. Not only financial growth, but it may also bring you overall growth. This period is likely to shower you with positive results and bring betterment to your career. More earning opportunities may be coming your way. Things may begin to go your way eventually, as the obstructions are likely to go down. This week, you are likely to perform well and strengthen your position amid some tricky and complex issues at your workplace.